Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy is Vasily Bolshakov, Candidate of Biological Sciences.
For many years, the pharmaceutical faculties of the Tomsk and Barnaul state medical institutes could not fully meet the need for specialists in the Kemerovo Region and other regions of Siberia. So in 1979, the Faculty of Pharmacy began its work at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. There were only 100 students. Teachers A.N. Korchagina, I.A. Balykova, T.F. Samoilovskikh, PI Vorushin, V.I. Zhorova and many others met the first students of the faculty. In the first year the number of students increased and amounted to 175 people. In 1984, the first issue of pharmacists. Most of the graduates went to the cities of the region for the distribution of the Pharmacy Department. Faculty members have made a great contribution to the development of science. For 35 years, 2590 pharmacists were trained, 136 graduates received diplomas with honors. V. A. Klyuchnikov, A.V. Sapozhkov, V.V. Shkarenda made a great contribution to the development of the faculty, the continuation of scientific research and the preservation of the teaching staff. Recently Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy is Vasily Bolshakov, Candidate of Biological Sciences. Now there are 7 departments of the faculty, which successfully operate in a separate building.
Training of specialists at the Faculty of Pharmacy is carried out according to the program of training students of higher pharmaceutical education in the basic educational program of higher professional education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 33.05.01 Pharmacy. At the end of training, a specialist is given a special title “Pharmacist” along with qualifications. The Latin word “provisor” literally means “foreseeing,” a person who acts cautiously and deliberately. A pharmacist is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education, working in the field of production, storage and sale of medicines.
Specialty 33.05.01 PHARMACY
Qualification - pharmacist
Qualification is doctor
Standard duration of study is 5 years.
The Scope implemented in full-time education is 60 credits in a year.
Form of study is full–time.
Language of study is Russian.
Types of professional activity are:
medical activity
organizational - management activities
scientific research activity
The graduate who has mastered the specialty program, in accordance with the types of activities to which the specialty program is oriented, is ready to solve the following tasks.
When developing and implementing a specialist program, an organization focuses on a specific type (s) of professional activity. Specialist chooses a specialization based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.Pharmaceutical activity:
manufacture of medicines
sale of medicines
ensuring storage and transportation of medicines
participation in carrying out procedures related to the circulation of medicines
participation in carrying out procedures related to the circulation of medicines
ensuring awareness of medicines in the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
carrying out sanitary — educational work with the population
training of population in the formation of motivation aimed at preserving the health
Medical activity
provision of primary health care in the trade hall of the institution of Pharmacy till the ambulance arrival.
provision of emergency medical care including participation in medical evacuation, including medicines supply.
Organizational – management activity.
Participation in organizing of manufacture of medicines
Organization and ensuring storage and transportation of medicines, seizure and destruction of medicines
participation in the organization and management of medicines circulation institutions and (or) their structural subdivisions
participation in measures for labor protection, management, prevention of occupational diseases, control and compliance with environmental safety,
the collection and medical – statistical analysis in pharmaceutical organization;
Compliance with the basic requirements of information security
Scientific research activity.
analysis of scientific literature and official reviews and public presentation of the results;
1. Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Higher Mathematics
Head of the Department is Bukhtoyarova V.I., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
2. Department of Pharmacology.
Head of the Department is Denisova S.V., Associate Professor.
3. Department of Pharmaceutical and General Chemistry
Head of the Department is Maltseva Elena Mikhailovna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor.
4. Department of Pharmacy.
Head is Tancereva Irina Gerasimovna, of the Department of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor