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Deans Office of the Faculty of General Medicine




The Faculty of General Medicine first enrolled 250 students in 1956. Now more than 3,500 students, interns, residents and graduate students are studying in 6 faculties. The University trains physicians for Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, for the republics of Tyva and foreign countries.   Over the years, the faculty has prepared more than 13,500 physicians, most of them work in Kuzbass. Now there are 18 departments at the faculty, where 108 candidates of science are employed.

Now there are 16 Departments in the Faculty.




Specialty 31.05.01 TREATMENT

Qualification is DOCTOR

Higher professional education

Standard duration of study is 6 years

Form of education is full –time

Language of education is Russian


The scope of the specialty program is 360 credit units (further c.u.), including holidays, which are given at the end of final qualification.

Duration of training in the program of specialty: full-time education, including holidays, which are given at the end of the final certification. The term of study under the program of specialty is 6 years regardless of the applied educational technologies. The scope of the specialty program is 60 credits (c.) in full-time for the year.

Types of professional activity:

Medical activity:

prevention of diseases among the population through preventive and anti-epidemic measures;

conducting preventive and medical examinations, clinical examinations, events, follow-up

the collection and medical - statistical analysis of the population health indicator, which characterize the health status of various age sex groups;

diagnosis of diseases and pathological conditions of patients;

diagnosis of emergency conditions;

pregnancy diagnosis;

examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of expertise;

provision of primary health care on an outpatient basis and in day hospital;

the provision of primary health care for sudden acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, which do not pose a threat to the patient’s life and do not need urgent medical care;

participation of emergency medical care in conditions requiring emergency medical care;

provision of emergency medical care including participation in medical evacuation;

participation in sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation;

participation in the formation of motivation for preserving the health of the population, patients and their families;

patient education on basic hygiene measures of a health-improving nature, which contribute to the prevention of the occurrence of diseases and health promotion.

Organisational – management activity.

implementation of the basic principles of medical care in medical institutions and their structural subdivisions.

creation comfortable conditions in medical institutions of an environment, conducive to the stay of patients and for the work of medical personnel.

medical records in medical institutions;

organization of medical expertise of the patient`s` health state;

to participate in evaluation of the quality of medical care for populatiоn;

Compliance with the basic rules of information security;

Scientific research activity.

analysis of scientific literature and official reviews and public presentation of the results;

participation in research and solution of definite scientific tasks in the field of healthcare, participation in scientific research and solving specific scientific tasks in the field of public Health Care in diagnostics, treatment of medical rehabilitation and prevention of diseases.