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Entrance Comission

Admission Committee 2019
Kemerovo, Voroshilov str., 22A
Phone: +7 (3842) 73-28-39
e-mail: abit@kemsma.ru

Operating mode:
(from June 20) Monday-Friday 8.00-17.00 break 12.30-13.30
8.00-9.00 working with documents
c 9.00 reception of documents
Saturday 9.00-13.00
Sunday closed
Executive Secretary of the selection Committee
C.b.N., associate Professor of the Department of medical biochemistry Peganova Yuliya Aleksandrovna

Information for applicants in Kammu
Memo to the applicant 2019 year

Carefully read the documents on the website and the Rules of admission. Get acquainted with the mode of work of the selection Committee.

Get acquainted with the levels and areas of training: bachelor, specialist, residency, postgraduate.

Learn about the cost of training.

If You are a citizen of another country, specify information about the features of admission for foreign citizens.

Proceed to the collection of documents for admission according to the rules of admission.

ATTENTION!!! When submitting documents, you must have the original of the identity DOCUMENT and the original or a copy of the document on education.

ATTENTION!!! Prepare documents confirming information about individual achievements (if any), giving the right to receive additional points (no more than 10) on admission.

Documents to the admissions office served personally, by email or through the post office.

Information about the list and form of entrance tests conducted by the University on their own, you can see in the appropriate section on the website.

Admission to training programs of the specialty is carried out on the basis of:
  • results of the unified state exam 2015 – 2019;
  • results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently.
Regularly check the section "prospective students" on the University website and be up to date. The list of applicants on the website is updated daily.

Do not forget to provide the original document of the established sample (certificate or diploma) and a statement of consent to enroll in the direction (specialty), where you want to go (see Admission rules)!

Information about the terms of enrollment is available on the website.