General hygiene
communal hygiene
occupational health
food hygiene
hygiene of children and adolescents
radiation hygiene
clinical laboratory diagnostics
sanitary and hygienic laboratory tests
organization of the state sanitary epidemiological service
Specialized disciplines include training specialists capable of carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (SES) to ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being.
Urban and household hygiene is the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the state of objects of environment and living conditions, aimed at the prevention of diseases associated with the quality of the human environment
Occupational health trains specialists for the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over working conditions, forecasting health hazards to workers and labour processes, technological equipment, development of recommendations for their planning and design, evaluation of chemical, physical, biological and other factors in production of environment.
Nutrition Hygiene trains specialists SES for the state of the actual power development of integrated optimization programs and nutritional correction of various population groups.
Hygiene of children and adolescents is SES for environmental conditions, the habitats and activities of children, assessing the impact of these conditions on the health and functional status of a growing organism, development of a complex of preventive measures, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children and teenagers.
Radiation hygiene is the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and impact assessment of radiation factor on human health and the development of measures of radiation protection.
Epidemiology is SES for the occurrence and the spread of diseases of massive infectious and bnon-infectious etiology, development of prevention methods.
Specialty 32.05.01 – Medical Prevention
Qualification is doctor
The Scope of specialty is 60 credits in full-time type of study
Standard duration of study is 6 years
The form of study is fulltime
Language of study is Russian
Medical Preventive Faculty trains highly qualified specialists for work in the area of preventive medicine. They are hygienists, epidemiologists, bacteriologists. It is very essential currently, when solving problems of sanitary and epidemiological population`s wellbeing needs new qualitatively new approach to the training of specialists.
Areas of professional activity of the faculty`s graduates are: Management of sanitary and epidemiological bodies; sanitary-epidemiological and preventive institutions and organizations, medical – sanitary bodies;
Research institutions and organizations of sanitary and hygienic, epidemiological and microbiological profile, etc.
Types of professional activity are: medical activity, organizational - management activities and scientific research activity.
Medical activity
Education and training of population and patients in the formation of motivation aimed at preserving the health of the patients on the basics of hygiene measures that contribute to the prevention of diseases. These measures are to promote improving of health.
Organizational – management activity.
creation comfortable conditions in medical institutions of an environment, conducive to the stay of patients and for the work of medical personnel.
medical records in medical institutions;
organization of medical expertise of the patient`s` health state;
participation in evaluation of the quality of medical care for populatiоn;
Compliance with the basic rules of information security;
Scientific research activity.
analysis of scientific literature and official reviews and public presentation of the results;
participation in research and solution of definite scientific tasks in the field of healthcare, participation in scientific research and solving specific scientific tasks in the field of public Health Care in diagnostics, treatment of medical rehabilitation and prevention of diseases.
1. Department of Hygiene.
Head of the Department is Koskina Elena Vladsimirovna, MD, Professor
2. Department of Dermatovenereology.
Head of the Department is Kaminskaya Tatyana Valentinovna, Candidate
of Medical Science, Аssociate Professor.
3. Department of Infectious Diseases.
Head of the Department is Pivovar Olga Ivanovna, Candidate
of Medical Science, Аssociate Professor.
4. Department of Medical Biochemistry.
Head of the Department is Razumov Alexander Sergeevich, MD, Professor.
5. Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology.
Head of Department is Levanova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, M.D., Аssociate Professor.
6. Department of Mobilization Training of Health and Disaster Medicine
Head of the Department is Sashko Alexander Alekseevich, Candidate of
Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
7. Department of Public Health, Healthcare and Medical Informatics.
Head of the Department is Tsarik Galina Nikolaevna, MD Professor
8. Department of Epidemiology.
Head of the Department is Brusina Elena Borisovna, MD, Professor.