The Faculty of Dentistry was founded in 1958. Now 350 students are studying at the faculty. The faculty trains specialists, not only for Kuzbass, but also for neighbouring areas. More than 72% of teachers have a degree. There are 14 doctors of science. In clinical departments 75% of teachers have the highest and first qualified category.
Among the graduates of the Department and Faculty members are scientists and organizers of health care: Mirgazizov M.Z., who is a Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology, Honorary President of the Russian Association of Implantology; Yu.A. Medvedev is a Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Also, the prominent scientist is Olesova V.N., who is a Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology, , Clinical Center of Dentistry of the Federal Medical - Biological Agency, President of the Russian Association of Implantology.
Specialty 31.05.03 DENTISTRY
Higher professional education
Qualification is doctor
Standard duration of study is 5 years.
The Scope implemented in full-time education is 60 credits in full-time form of study.
Language of study is Russian.
According to of the Minister of Health and Social development of the Russian Federation «On approval of the provision of medical adult population with dental diseases» of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 № 1196n and according to the order of the Russian Federation «On the procedure for rendering medical assistance to children suffering from dental diseases» of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2012 , medical care is provided for dental diseases of the teeth, periodontal, oral mucosa, tongue, salivary glands, jaws faces and heads, including:
carious and non-carious teeth lesions,
acute and chronic diseases and deformities;
acute and chronic injuries; acquired defects;
periodontal disease; lesions of the oral mucosa;
diseases of the tongue and salivary glands;
diseases of the jaws, face and head; abnormal development of teeth, jaws and head
emergency medical care,
primary health care, specialized, including high-tech care.
Medical care for dental diseases provides for activities in accordance with established standards of medical care, primary health care.
therapeutic and rehabilitative
Medical care for dental diseases representing a life threatening patient, it turns out to be an emergency
Primary health care for dental diseases is turned into an outpatient setting by:
dentists – therapists
dentists – surgeons
dental hygienists
specialists in the field of maxillofacial surgery
dental technicians
Medical care for dental diseases is provided in the dental departments of hospitals, in the departments of maxillofacial surgery.
Types of professional activity are:
medical activity
organizational - management activities
and scientific research activity.
The graduate who has mastered the specialty program, in accordance with the types of activities to which the specialty program is oriented, is ready to solve the following tasks
Medical activity:
prevention of diseases among the population through preventive and anti-epidemic measures;
conducting preventive and medical examinations, clinical examinations, events, follow-up;
the collection and medical - statistical analysis of the population health indicator, which characterize the health status of various age - sex groups;
diagnosis of dental diseases and pathological conditions of patients;
examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of expertise;
provision of primary care of dental diseases on an outpatient basis and in day hospital;
the provision of primary health care for sudden acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of expertise;
provision of primary health care on an outpatient basis and in day hospital;
provision of emergency medical care including participation in medical evacuation;
participation in sanatorium–resort treatment and rehabilitation for patients, having dental diseases;
Scientific research activity.
analysis of scientific literature and official reviews and public presentation of the results;
participation in research and solution of definite scientific tasks in the field of healthcare, participation in scientific research and solving specific scientific tasks in the field of public Health Care in diagnostics, treatment of medical rehabilitation and prevention of diseases.
Head of the Department is Professor Nacheva Lubov Vasilievna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
2. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Propedeutics of Dental Diseases.
Head of the Department is Kiseleva Elena Alexandrovna, MD, Professor.
3. Department of History
Head of the Department is Borovikova Zlata Vladimirovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
5. Department of Therapeutic and Orthopedic Dentistry with a course of materials science.
Head of the Department is Tyo Elena Alexandrovna, MD, Professor.
6. Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with a course of ophthalmology.
Head of the Department is Pylkov Alexander Ivanovich MD, Professor.