Кеmerovo State Medical University is one of the best Higher Educational Institutions of Siberia and Russia. It provides higher medical education not only for Kuzbass region but for many areas of the Russian Federation and some foreign countries.
More than 33 thousand of physicians, pharmacist, medical nurses, have been taught by the tutors of the University since 1955. Nowadays 95% of Kuzbass doctors are the graduates of the University. They head large clinics, Science Research Centres. They work in the countries of CIS and Europe. The university is especially proud of its teaching staff, which has about 400 highly qualified specialists: 17 academicians of the academies of the Russian Federation, more than 100 doctors of science, 221 candidates of science. Among the outstanding graduates of the University there are: academician of RAS, famous cardiologist L.S. Barbarash, academician of RANS A. A. Lutsik (Novokuzneysk State Institute for Advanced Medical Education), academician of RANS, Director of the Center for Health Protection of Miners V.V. Agajanyan, Professor V.M. Ivoilov, Professor V.N. Olesova, President of the Russian Association of Implantology and many others.
Our Mission is highly qualified professional training and upbringing of the highly moral personality, capable of competent responsible and creative professional medical activity in a multipolar world.
The implementation of the mission is possible through the creation, implementation and improvement of the quality system. This embodiment must comply with the requirements of GOST (All-Union State Standard) R ISO 9001 – 2015. This realization is directed to the following principles:
1) It is necessary to develop the system of continuing education as a system of systematic partnership of the Higher Educational Institution and practical health care.
2) There is need to implement personality-oriented ways, which let any person to develop actively, to increase intellectual abilities, social and professional competence.
3) It is essential to form social and cultural environment of the University as a way of developing special qualities of the medical worker.
4) To improve the research process as a mechanism for improving the quality of education of medical, preventive and pharmaceutical activities. It is also important to build up the innovation potential and ensure the sustainable position of the University in the labor market.
5) It is important to optimize the management process and to strengthen the role of heads of departments in order to improve the quality of planning, monitoring and evaluating performance and personal responsibility of managers at all levels.
6) The next task is to implement marketing approaches in order to respond to the needs of the individual. It is very important to ensure the forward introduction of innovative technologies.
7) The last position is the use of differentiated incentives for the educational and scientific activities of each employee as a mechanism for motivating and improving the quality of professional activity.
Кеmerovo State Medical University is one of the best Higher Educational Institutions of Siberia and Russia. It provides higher medical education not only for Kuzbass region but for many areas of the Russian Federation and some foreign countries.
More than 33 thousand of physicians, pharmacist, medical nurses, have been taught by the tutors of the University since 1955. Nowadays 95% of Kuzbass doctors are the graduates of the University. They head large clinics, Science Research Centres. They work in the countries of CIS and Europe. The university is especially proud of its teaching staff, which has about 400 highly qualified specialists: 17 academicians of the academies of the Russian Federation, more than 100 doctors of science, 221 candidates of science. Among the outstanding graduates of the University there are: academician of RAS, famous cardiologist L.S. Barbarash, academician of RANS A. A. Lutsik (Novokuzneysk State Institute for Advanced Medical Education), academician of RANS, Director of the Center for Health Protection of Miners V.V. Agajanyan, Professor V.M. Ivoilov, Professor V.N. Olesova, President of the Russian Association of Implantology and many others.
Our Mission is highly qualified professional training and upbringing of the highly moral personality, capable of competent responsible and creative professional medical activity in a multipolar world.
The implementation of the mission is possible through the creation, implementation and improvement of the quality system. This embodiment must comply with the requirements of GOST (All-Union State Standard) R ISO 9001 – 2015. This realization is directed to the following principles:
1) It is necessary to develop the system of continuing education as a system of systematic partnership of the Higher Educational Institution and practical health care.
2) There is need to implement personality-oriented ways, which let any person to develop actively, to increase intellectual abilities, social and professional competence.
3) It is essential to form social and cultural environment of the University as a way of developing special qualities of the medical worker.
4) To improve the research process as a mechanism for improving the quality of education of medical, preventive and pharmaceutical activities. It is also important to build up the innovation potential and ensure the sustainable position of the University in the labor market.
5) It is important to optimize the management process and to strengthen the role of heads of departments in order to improve the quality of planning, monitoring and evaluating performance and personal responsibility of managers at all levels.
6) The next task is to implement marketing approaches in order to respond to the needs of the individual. It is very important to ensure the forward introduction of innovative technologies.
7) The last position is the use of differentiated incentives for the educational and scientific activities of each employee as a mechanism for motivating and improving the quality of professional activity.